
Preface The International Association for Relativistic Dynamics was organized in February 1998 in Houston, Texas, with John R. Fanchi as president. Although the subject of relativistic dynamics has been explored, from both classical and quantum mechanical points of view, since the work of Einstein and Dirac, its most striking development has been in the framework of quantum field theory. The very accurate calculations of spectral and scattering properties, for example, of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the Lamb shift in quantum electrodynamics, and many qualitative features of the strong and electroweak interactions, demonstrate the very great power of description achieved in this framework. Yet, many fundamental questions remain to be clarified, such as the structure of classical relativistic dynamical theories on the level of Hamilton and Lagrange in Minkowski space as well as on the curved manifolds of general relativity. There, moreover, remain the important questions of the covariant classical description of systems at high energy for which particle production effects are not large, such as discussed in Synge’s book, The Relativistic Gas, and in Balescu’s book on relativistic statistical mechanics, and the development of a consistent single and many body relativistic quantum theory. In recent years, highly accurate telescopes and advanced facilities for computation have brought a high level of interest in cosmological problems, such as the structure of galaxies (dark matter) and the apparently anomalous expansion of the universe (dark energy). Some of the papers reported here deal with these problems, as well as other fundamental related issues.It was for this purpose, to bring together researchers from a wide variety of fields, such as particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, foundations of relativity theory, and mathematical physics, with a common interest in relativistic dynamics, to investigate fundamental questions of this type, that this Association was founded. The second meeting took place in 2000 at Bar Ilan University in Israel, the third, in 2002, at Howard University in Washington, D.C., and the fourth, in 2004, in Saas Fee, Switzerland. Subsequent meeting took place in 2006 at the University of Connecticut Storrs, in 2008 at Aristotle University of Thessalonica, in 2010 at National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, in 2012 at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI) in Florence, in 2014 as the University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut, in 2016 at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and in 2018 in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, under the sponsorship of the Instituto Politécnic Nacional. The 2020 meeting, planned for Czech Technical University in Prague, was successfully held online at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the physical meeting in Prague was delayed to 2022.The 2022 meeting forms the basis for the Proceedings that are recorded in this issue of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Along with the work of some of the founding and newer but already much engaged members of the Association, we were fortunate to have lecturers from application areas that provided strong challenges for further developments in quantum field theory, cosmological problems, and in the dynamics of systems subject to accelerations and the effects of general relativity. Topics treated in this issue include studies in general relativity and astrophysics, relativistic dynamics and electrodynamics, quantum theory and particles, and foundations of relativistic dynamics.This first physical meeting of the Covid-19 era took place 6 - 9 June at Czech Technical University in Prague, as originally planned for 2020. The meeting was divided into seven plenary sessions over four days. As a result of continued travel restrictions in some areas, a small number of talks were delivered by videoconferencing. The papers presented in this volume represent extensions and refinements to the conference talks, building on feedback and discussions associated with the lectures. We once again express our gratitude to Czech Technical University, and especially the local conference chair Petr Jizba, for their generous hospitality.List of Scientific Advisory Committee, International Organizing Committee and Editorial Board of the proceedings, Dedication are available in this Pdf.

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