
ABSTRACT The research focuses and analyzes the relations between the European institutions and local authorities. A first part of the work concerns the study of regionalism in the various European countries in order to understand the institutional and the various features in the different legal systems; in particular analyzing the cases of Italy between regionalization and federalism, France and its regions, the Federal Republic of Germany and the role of the Lander, the British devolution, the federal monarchy in Belgium, the autonomous communities in Spain and voivodships in the Polish Republic. Subsequently i intend to analyze the historical path / politician of the growing role of local and regional governance in the European Union through the changes made by the various treaties, from indifference to local regional beginning of the process of European integration, to Regional policy in the Lisbon Treaty and the introduction of the concepts of Euroregion and EGTC (Economic Groups of Territorial Cooperation), passing through the Single European Act and the Consultative Council of Local Government, the Maastricht Treaty and the creation of the Committee of Regions, the Amsterdam Treaty and its Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, the Nice Treaty, the Laeken Declaration and the White Paper on European Governance of 2001. In the next chapter, i analyze the introduction of principle of subsidiarity within the EU, and its evolution through the Protocol on the application of this principle introduced in Amsterdam and considerably strengthened by the Treaty of Lisbon in 2007. The next chapter is devoted to the institution that represents their interests in the European system the different regional realities, namely the Committee of the Regions. In particular, it refers to the reasons of the birth of this institution trying to retrace the moments in which he played an important role in the process of European cooperation, as well as the study of the institutional functioning of the committee. Another part of the thesis, is dedicated to those instruments that Europe uses in relation to regional realities in terms of economic support, such as the ERDF funds, both in terms of direction of the cohesion policy of the European Union aimed at reducing disparities between the levels of development of the various Member States and the backwardness of the least prosperous regions, in order to promote the harmonious development of the different regions of Europe. Finally i refer to the rules for participation of Italian regions Competencies in relation to a so called descendant to the bottom, the reform of Title V of the Constitution and the recent law n. 234 of 24 December 2012, on General rules on Italy's participation in the formation and implementation of legislation and policies of the European Union, which establishes, by repealing the law n. 11/2005, the new framework for the intervention of Parliament, the Government, the regions and other institutional players for the training of the Italian position in the arrangement of the acts and policies of the European Union and the performance of those obligations under European Ordinamento; Finally, a last part is devoted to the case of the Campania Region.

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