
The relation between the composition of glass and its electrical qualities has been studied by only a few experimenters, and our knowledge of the subject is still comparatively small. With regard to resistance to electrical conduction through its substance, Dr. Hopkinson has found among other interesting results, that potash or soda-lime glasses have a higher conductivity than flint glasses either light or dense; and his results as to electrical resistance confirm those given below. That the presence of a large quantity of alkali in glass is detrimental to its resisting quality has also been pointed out by Ekman. In two papers (“Phil. Mag.,” vol. 10, 1880, and “Proc. Roy. Soc.,” vol. 34, p. 199), by one of the authors of the present paper, results are given of experiments on the variation of the resistance of glass of different kinds with temperature, and, more particularly in the second paper, with density and chemical composi­tion.

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