
A standard format for depression management has long been the in-person group-based intervention, yet recent calls for scalable interventions have increased interest in individual online formats. However, the perspectives and preferences of women are largely missing in the literature. This secondary qualitative data analysis using a phenomenological method of inquiry explored the lived experiences of pregnant and nonpregnant women with depressive symptoms (N = 44) who participated in 2 studies involving group-based face-to-face mindful physical activity interventions for depressive symptom self-management. Four main themes emerged regarding the group format: shared experiences enhanced the feeling of safety and impact of the group interventions; group instructors played a key role in fostering a safe environment; participants wished for more group interactions; and participants preferred a synchronous group-based intervention over a technology-based or asynchronous alternative for depressive symptom management. The findings from this study suggest that women with depression enjoy synchronous group-based interventions and find them to be beneficial for the shared experiences with other women and the safe environment created by group instructors. Future research should include study designs that consider these factors in the context of hybrid or fully online intervention formats for depression management.

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