
The article reveals the most important milestones of the life and activity of the famous Ukrainian historian and public figure D. Bagaliy. It is emphasized on his contribution to the Ukrainian national revival. The scientific heritage of D. Bahaliy is analyzed. It includes about 350 works, in particular, monographs, archaeological publications, scientific articles on the history of Ukraine, historiography, archival studies, sources of sources, etc. It was emphasized, that the center of his attention was the history of Slobidska Ukraine, its socio-economic and cultural development, the heritage of H. Skovoroda, the history of Kharkiv and Kharkiv University. D. Bahaliy is the founder and leader of the scientific school of researchers of Slobozhanschyna and Left-Bank Ukraine in Kharkiv. The active social activity of the scientist as a representative of the liberal scientific intelligentsia was determined. There is haracterized the fundamental work of D. Bahaliy «The History of Slobidska Ukraine»(1918). It is about geography, ethnography, socio-economic and political life, spiritual and material culture of Slobozhanschyna, etc. There is considered the main thesis of D. Bahaliy about the unceasing civilization development from simple to more complex forms, the leading role of the masses in history. Documentalism is an important part of the scientific works of D. Bahaliy. It is highlighted the contribution of the scientist to the development of Ukrainian regional studies. His scientific contributions are presented in this context.

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