
The colour of the Fundus oculi in animals devoid of a tapetum is mainly determined by reflection from the choroidal pigment. In animals possessing aTapetum cellulosum (Carnivores), the colour of the fundus is mainly determined by the colour of the retinal pigment. In animals which have a Tapetum fibrosum (Ungulates), the colour is determined by the structural colour of the tapetum modified by the colour of the retinal pigment. All the animals which I have examined may he considered as capable of being classified under one of three heads :— 1. The Red Type , including every shade of red, chocolate, brown, and grey. To this belong Man and all the Primates (with the exception of the Galagos and Loridoe); certain Insectivora; the Suricate and Cynictis, among the Carnivores; the Camelidae, Suidoe, Rhinoceros, and Hyracoidae among the Ungulates; all the Rodents (with the exception of Pteromys and the Spotted Cavy); the Edentata; the Marsupials (with the exception of the Virginian Opossum), and the Monotreme Echidna.

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