
The aim of the paper is to examine the linguistic varieties present in the autobiographical diary of an illiterateSicilian peasant woman, Carolina Drago, who has chosen to entrust her memoirs to the written page. The diary,composed since 2007, when Carolina Drago was more than 70 years old, contains recipes of gastronomicpreparations, prayers, songs as well as the narration of the most significant episodes of her existence seenthrough the eyes and heart of a mother who writes the diary in order to deliver her memories to her childrenand grandchildren. The facts described within only partially intertwine the "great history" (e.g. the Spanishepidemic of the twenties, the Second World War) and dwell rather on the family environment, offering a crosssectionof peasant and popular life that crosses the twentieth century. From a linguistic point of view, CarolinaDrago uses the variety of the repertoire at her disposal: basically, the dialect and popular regional Italian, mixingthe linguistic colours of her poor palette with the enthusiasm of those who want to tell and tell themselves. Alinguistic analysis will also be presented, aimed at demonstrating how the writings of illiterate people allow usto see that Italian defined as "hidden" by Testa (2014), almost in a karstic way, has continued to evolvealongside the normative codification anticipating innovative trends.

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