
I am convinced now that more than anything we want to live forever. Sandra Marchetti (bio) At Europe Bay Beach in July, deserted The lake glints greenat the edge of nightmare. It's world's end in the deepbay, gray and stumbling. The lake itself a tumbler, a boatyou bobbed upwards out of. No one can see us, smashedas sea glass, open— the ants eating our cherriesat the shoreline. [End Page 121] Sandra Marchetti SANDRA MARCHETTI is the author of Confluence, a full-length collection of poetry from Sundress Publications, released in 2015. She is also the author of four chapbooks of poetry and lyric essays. Her poetry and essays appear in Poet Lore, Blackbird, Subtropics, Southwest Review, Mid-American Review, Barrelhouse, and other venues. Sandy earned an MFA in creative writing, concentrating in poetry, from George Mason University, and lives in the Chicagoland area. Copyright © 2017 University of North Carolina Wilmington

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