
Paravertebral muscles play an important role in the development of deformities and degenerative diseases of the spine. The impact of posterior arthrodesis of the ileosacral articulation (sacrum-iliac joint) on the morphological characteristics of the m. sacrocaudalis (coccygeus) dorsalis lateralis of mongrel dogs was studied in animal experiments. Titanium cages were used, followed by stabilization with an external fixation device for 30 days. The advantages of posterior arthrodesis include a small incision, minimal blood loss, preservation of the integrity of most ligaments, and a short immobilization period. Nevertheless, when modeling arthrodesis experimentally in animals, fibrosis of the interstitial space and fatty infiltration in the adjacent muscle were revealed at the end of the experiment, which amounted to 240% and 310% of the intact parameters, respectively. In addition, fibrosis of the vessel membranes of the arterial link was observed. When performing surgical interventions on the spine, traumatization of the muscles should be reduced in order to minimize fibrogenesis and fatty involution of the paravertebral muscles.

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