
To determine the effectiveness of Neodymium-YAG (Nd-YAG) laser for hysteroscopic transection of the septate uterus to improve pregnancy outcome. Patients treated for recurrent pregnancy loss and/or infertility were evaluated for before versus after treatment pregnancy outcomes. All patients were referred to a University Reproductive Endocrine and Infertility practice from 1986 through 1990. Nineteen patients underwent hysteroscopic transection of uterine septa after exclusion of other factors that may cause recurrent fetal wastages and/or infertility. They were allowed to conceive 8 weeks after surgery after a postoperative hysterosalpingogram. Fourteen women attempted conception during a time span of 11 to 42 months; 3 patients declined to conceive, and 2 were lost to follow-up. Hysteroscopic transection of the uterine septum with a Nd-YAG laser was performed in all patients. The Nd-YAG laser delivered via a 600-microns bare fiber or an 800-microns sculpted fiber through operative hysteroscopy. To evaluate the success and complications of this new laser technique. (1) Thirteen patients conceived; 10 delivered a live infant at term; (2) 87% of the postoperative pregnancies were considered successful as compared with 11% preoperative; (3) complications included a small perforation of the uterus (no treatment needed) and development of uterine adhesions (1 case only). Hysteroscopic metroplasty with the Nd-YAG laser is a valuable alternative new technique for the treatment of uterine septum.

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