
Abstract A description is provided for Hypoxylon serpens . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On wood of many genera of dicotyledonous trees, including decorticate logs and stumps. In Europe it is particularly common on Fagus sylvatica and Camellia sinensis in Ceylon and India. DISEASES: Cause of wood rot of economic importance in Camellia sinensis in Ceylon and India (47, 2655; 49, 2170) which leads to a gradual decline of the plant. It also attacks a wide range of dicotyledonous trees, but most of these are not economically important. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Cosmopolitan in temperate and subtropical regions; particularly common in Europe. TRANSMISSION: Presumably by ascospores and conidia in wind entering through wounds or landing on other decorticate parts of the hosts.

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