
The present study was aimed at examining the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the hypoxic contraction of isolated small pulmonary arteries (SPA) in the rat. Animals were treated with either saline (sham experiments) or Escherichia coli lipolysaccharide [LPS, to obtain expression of the inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in the lung] and killed 4 h later. SPA (300- to 600-micrometer outer diameter) were mounted as rings in organ chambers for the recording of isometric tension, precontracted with PGF2alpha, and exposed to either severe (bath PO2 8 +/- 3 mmHg) or milder (21 +/- 3 mmHg) hypoxia. In SPA from sham-treated rats, contractions elicited by severe hypoxia were completely suppressed by either endothelium removal or preincubation with an NOS inhibitor [NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), 10(-3) M]. In SPA from LPS-treated rats, contractions elicited by severe hypoxia occurred irrespective of the presence or absence of endothelium and were largely suppressed by L-NAME. The milder hypoxia elicited no increase in vascular tone. These results indicate an essential role of NO in the hypoxic contractions of precontracted rat SPA. The endothelium independence of HPV in arteries from LPS-treated animals appears related to the extraendothelial expression of iNOS. The severe degree of hypoxia required to elicit any contraction is consistent with a mechanism of reduced NO production caused by a limited availability of O2 as a substrate for NOS.

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