
Cardiac stroke volume (SV) is compromised in Atlantic cod and rainbow trout following acclimation to hypoxia (i.e., 40% air saturation; ~8 kPa O2) at 10-12°C, and this is not due to changes in heart morphometrics or maximum achievable in vitro end-diastolic volume. To examine if this diminished SV may be related to compromised myocardial contractility, we used the work-loop method to measure work and power in spongy myocardial strips from normoxic- and hypoxic-acclimated steelhead trout when exposed to decreasing Po2 levels (21 to 1.5 kPa) at several frequencies (30-90 contractions/min) at 14°C (their acclimation temperature). Work required to lengthen the muscle, as during filling of the heart, was strongly frequency dependent (i.e., increased with contraction rate) but was not affected by hypoxic acclimation or test Po2. In contrast, although shortening work was less frequency dependent, this parameter and network (and power) 1) were consistently lower (by ~30-50 and ~15%, respectively) in strips from hypoxic-acclimated fish and 2) fell by ~40-50% in both groups from 20 to 1.5 kPa Po2, despite the already-reduced myocardial performance in the hypoxic-acclimated group. In addition, strips from hypoxic-acclimated trout showed a poorer recovery of net power (by ~15%) when returned to normoxia. These results strongly suggest that hypoxic acclimation reduces myocardial contractility, and in turn, may limit SV (possibly by increasing end-systolic volume), but that this diminished performance does not improve the capacity to maintain myocardial performance under oxygen limiting conditions.

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