
Nontoxic goiter, a compensatory phenomenon, reflects a defect in the synthesis of thyroxine. The compensation is not always complete and hypothyroidism sometimes coexists with goiter. Two hundred thirty-four such patients were observed during a 13-year period. The frequency of the signs and symptoms were tabulated. Both the PBI and 24-hour 131I uptake by the thyroid were carried out in 200 patients. The most common symptoms were fatigue, paresthesias, intolerance to cold and dry skin; the most common signs were dry skin and the appearance of hypothyroidism. The most frequently encountered combinations of the laboratory tests were a low PBI and normal uptake, and a low PBI and low uptake. Treatment with thyroid relieved the individual symptoms and signs in 78 to 98 per cent. Eighty per cent of the goiters decreased in size or disappeared during treatment. The syndrome recurred in 88 per cent of patients in whom treatment was interrupted. The study also confirmed earlier findings that hypothyroidism accompanies about 15 per cent of nontoxic enlargements of the thyroid.

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