
Mathematics learning for most student is still problem. Meanwhile, mathematics is very important in everyday life. The problem is that students experience difficulties in understanding the concept. These difficulties are called epistemological obstacles. It can be reduced by designing teaching materials in accordance with the students learning obstacle. This research was conducted to identify the students’ learning obstacle and create a hypothetical learning trajectory. The research subjects were 30 mathematics teachers at Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Aliyah in South Tangerang. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR). In this PAR, the participants involved were madrasah mathematics teachers, Head of Madrasah Education Section of South Tangerang, Head of Development Aliyah Madrasah , and lecturers from Mathematics Education Department. There are two Focused Group Discussion activities of the PAR. The results showed that students in madrasah still experienced many obstacles in understanding mathematical concepts, especially on the topic of functions, circles, sequences and series, as well as comparison due to limitations in conceptual explanations in the learning process. Based on students’ learning obstacle, material hierarchy, and analysis of previous teaching materials, a didactic design was created in the form of hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT). Henceforth, HLT will be developed into teaching materials.

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