
The environment in which eukaryotes first evolved was drastically different from what they experience today, and one of the key limiting factors was the availability of oxygen for mitochondrial respiration. During the transition to a fully oxygenated Earth, other compounds such as sulfide posed a considerable constraint on using mitochondrial aerobic respiration for energy production. The ancestors of animals, and those that first evolved from the simpler eukaryotes have mitochondrial respiratory components that are absent from later-evolving animals. Specifically, mitochondria of most basal metazoans have a sulfide-resistant alternative oxidase (AOX), which provides a secondary oxidative pathway to the classical cytochrome pathway. In this essay, I argue that because of its resistance to sulfide, AOX respiration was critical to the evolution of animals by enabling oxidative metabolism under otherwise inhibitory conditions. I hypothesize that AOX allowed for metabolic flexibility during the stochastic oxygen environment of early Earth which shaped the evolution of basal metazoans. I briefly describe the known functions of AOX, with a particular focus on the decreased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during stress conditions. Then, I propose three evolutionary consequences of AOX-mediated protection from ROS observed in basal metazoans: 1) adaptation to stressful environments, 2) the persistence of facultative sexual reproduction, and 3) decreased mitochondrial DNA mutation rates. Recognizing the diversity of mitochondrial respiratory systems present in animals may help resolve the mechanisms involved in major evolutionary processes such as adaptation and speciation.

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