
Precise monitoring of internal temperature is vital for thermal homeostasis in mammals. For decades, warm-sensitive neurons (WSNs) within the preoptic area (POA) were thought to sense internal warmth, using this information as feedback to regulate body temperature (Tcore). However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which WSNs measure temperature remain largely undefined. Via a pilot genetic screen, we found that silencing the TRPC4 channel in mice substantially attenuated hypothermia induced by light-mediated heating of the POA. Loss-of-function studies of TRPC4 confirmed its role in warm sensing in GABAergic WSNs, causing additional defects in basal temperature setting, warm defense, and fever responses. Furthermore, TRPC4 antagonists and agonists bidirectionally regulated Tcore. Thus, our data indicate that TRPC4 is essential for sensing internal warmth and that TRPC4-expressing GABAergic WSNs function as a novel cellular sensor for preventing Tcore from exceeding set-point temperatures. TRPC4 may represent a potential therapeutic target for managing Tcore.

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