
To report the challenges and outcomes of hypospadias repair in a developing country such as Nigeria. This was a prospective study of children who underwent hypospadias repair at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital in 2003-2007. The challenges and outcome of repair were documented with photographs to assess cosmetic results. A total of 149 operations were performed on 127 children with hypospadias, aged between 9 days and 12 years (mean 2.3 years+/-2.1) with 33 (26.0%) presenting after circumcision; 118 (92.9%) were single and 9 (7.1%) multistage, while 13 had closure of post-hypospadias repair fistulae and redo surgery. Non-availability of suitable pediatric urethral catheters, special dressing materials and microsurgical instruments/sutures, presentation after circumcision, and lack of parents/caregivers' motivation were major challenges. Transurethral urinary diversion, dressing with petroleum jelly impregnated with antibiotic/chloramphenicol ointment, mosquito forceps, scrotal skin flaps, size 6/0 polyglactin sutures, and organized counseling/home visits were employed. Repair was successful in all the children: excellent cosmetic results in 121 (95.3%), fair in 5 (3.9%) and poor in 1 (0.9%). Urethrocutaneous fistula was the main complication with no mortality recorded. Despite the challenges, improvising with available materials, counseling of parents/caregivers, adequate patient recruitment and appropriately timed repairs gave encouraging results.

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