
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HPP) is a disorder that characterized by attacks of skeletal muscle paralysis depending on the changes in serum potassium levels, and can occur due to primary and secondary causes. One of the secondary causes of HPP is distal renal tubular acidosis (DRTA). DRTA is a disorder that characterized by hypokalemia or hyperkalemia hypercalciuria, metabolic acidosis and alkaline urine. DRTA's clinical symptoms are listed as constipation, nausea, vomiting, kidney and skeletal muscle complications, nephrocalcinosis, urolithiasis and severe hypokalemia crisis. In this case report, we reported a patient who admitted to emergency department with complains of nausea, vomiting, and periodic muscle weakness and was diagnosed with hypokalemic periodic paralysis due to DRTA was presented.


  • Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis (HPP) is a clinical entity characterized by temporary acute paralysis as a result of decreased serum potassium levels due to primary or secondary causes

  • In this paper we report a patient with HPP who presented to emergency department with muscle weakness and subsequently diagnosed with Distal renal tubular acidosis (DRTA) (Type 1)

  • The patient was diagnosed with distal renal tubular acidosis3

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Distal Renal Tübüler Asidoza Bağlı Hipokalemik Peryodik Paralizi

Hipokalemik Peryodik Paralizi (HPP), serum potasyum düzeyindeki değişikliklere bağlı olarak iskelet kaslarında paralizi atakları ile karakterize primer ve sekonder nedenlere bağlı oluşabilen klinik tablodur. Günler veya aylar içinde tekrarlayabilir ve birkaç saat veya birkaç gün sürebilir. Atak sırasında serumdaki potasyum seviyesi düşük olup, ataklar arasında serum potasyum seviyesi genellikle normaldir. HPP’nin sekonder nedenlerinden biri de distal renal tubuler asidoz (DRTA)’dur. DRTA, metabolik asidoz, alkali idrar, hipopotasemi veya hiperpotasemi ve hiperkalsiüri kliniği ile karakterizedir. Bulantı, kusma, böbrek ve kas iskelet sistemine ait komplikasyonlar, nefrokalsinozis, ürolityazis ve ciddi hipokalemik kriz DRTA’nın klinik seyrinde görülebilir. Kusma ve periyodik kas güçsüzlüğü şikayetleriyle acil servise başvuran ve distal renal tübüler asidoza sekonder hipokalemi tespit edilen sporadik bir olgu sunulmuştur

Distal renal tubuler acidosis
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