
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is quite common among the people. The causes of diabetes mellitus vary depending on the classification of this group of diseases. If diabetes mellitus is not handLed properly and correctly, there will be chronic hyperglycemia that causes oxidative stress, so patients will complain of some complications from diabetes mellitus that is actually caused by free radicals. Star anise (Illicium Verum) is one of the plants that are often used, one of which is as a spice in food. The star anise  has several compounds, one of which is flavonoid which is as an easily oxidized compound (antioxidant), so it is often used as a traditional medicine to treat many diseases. In several studies in vitro this star anise plant has also been proven to have antioxidant levels such as flavonoids and phenolic which are high enough so that it can be used as a source of exogenous antioxidants that can help endogenous antioxidants such as glutathione (GSH) to reduce free radicals that enter and remain keep body cells in normal condition. The study was carried out experimentally and conducted on rats in diabetes mellitus to see the effect of giving star anise extracts on glucose levels and blood levels of endogenous antioxidants (glutathione). Male rats with 2-3 months of age as many as 24 animals were divided into 6 groups, namely the negative control group (mice only given distilled water), diabetic rats without treatment group (positive control), diabetic rats treated with rootbose (positive control), and diabetic rats by treating the extract of star anise of 50, 100, and 150 mg/kg body weight of rats. This research was conducted for 7 days. GSH levels were measured on days 0 and 7. To analyze the differences in the average data of glucose and GSH, statistics were used. Results of the Wilcoxon test showed that there were significant differences (with p < 0.05) in blood sugar levels between the control group and the diabetic rats treated with star anise extract group. There was a significant decrease in blood sugar levels in diabetic rats given an extract of star anise. The greatest decrease in blood sugar levels occurred in the group of diabetic rats who were given an extract of star anise at 150 mg/kg bw. It is also known that there are difference in GSH levels between the control group and the diabetic rat group with the treatment of extract of star anise, but statistically the difference is not significant. GSH levels increased 0.03 µM/mL by administering an extract of star anise at 50 mg/kg bw.

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