
The prevalence of red deer hypodermosis and the life cycle of Hypodermia diana Brauer 1858 in three provinces of the south of Spain, Córdoba, Jaen and Ciudad Real, were studied by inspecting 254, thirty-eight and thirty-five deer from each province respectively. The prevalence of infestations was: Córdoba, 87.75%; Jaen, 92.10%, Ciudad Real, 91.42%. From this we deduced an overall prevalence of 88.67%, comprising 88.23% in male deer and 89.96% in female deer. The intensity of the parasitism in 213 of the 245 animals from Córdoba varied between one warble per animal to more than 100 in 28 of the inspected animals. The chronology of the life cycle during the hunting period (October to the end of February) was investigated.

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