
The hypocretin (Hcrt) system modulates arousal and anxiety-related behaviors and has been considered as a novel treatment target for stress-related affective disorders. We examined the effects of Hcrt acting in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh) and anterodorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (adBNST) on social behavior in male and female California mice (Peromyscus californicus). In female but not male California mice, infusion of Hcrt1 into NAcSh decreased social approach. Weak effects of Hcrt1 on social vigilance were observed in both females and males. No behavioral effects of Hcrt1 infused into the adBNST were observed. Analyses of sequencing data from California mice and Mus musculus NAc showed that Hcrtr2 was more abundant than Hcrtr1, so we infused the selective Hcrt receptor 2 antagonist into the NAcSh, which increased social approach in females previously exposed to social defeat. A calcium imaging study in the NAcSh of females before and after stress exposure showed that neural activity increased immediately following the expression of social avoidance but not during freezing behavior. This observation is consistent with previous studies that identified populations of neurons in the NAc that drive avoidance. Intriguingly, calcium transients were not affected by stress. These data suggest that hypocretin acting in the NAcSh plays a key role in modulating stress-induced social avoidance.

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