
How developing seedlings integrate gravitropic and phototropic stimuli to determine their direction of growth is poorly understood. In this study we tested whether blue light influences hypocotyl gravitropism in Arabidopsis. Phototropin1 (phot1) triggers phototropism under low fluence rates of blue light but, at least in the dark, has no effect on gravitropism. By analyzing the growth orientation of phototropism-deficient seedlings in response to gravitropic and phototropic stimulations we show that blue light not only triggers phototropism but also represses hypocotyl gravitropism. At low fluence rates of blue light phot1 mutants were agravitropic. In contrast, phyAphot1 double mutants grew exclusively according to gravity demonstrating that phytochrome A (phyA) is necessary to inhibit gravitropism. Analyses of phot1cry1cry2 triple mutants indicate that cryptochromes play a minor role in this response. Thus the optimal growth orientation of hypocotyls is determined by the action of phyA-suppressing gravitropism and the phototropin-triggering phototropism. It has long been known that phytochromes promote phototropism but the mechanism involved is still unknown. Our data show that by inhibiting gravitropism phyA acts as a positive regulator of phototropism.

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