
Thirty-three Yorkshire barrows (92kg), fed a high cholesterol diet for 14 d had mean concentrations of serum cholesterol of 294.6±7.8 mg/dl. Starting on d 15 and for an additional 15 d, crystalline cholesterol was removed from the diet and pigs were assigned to one of four treatments: including two levels of calcium (0.7% and 1.4%) with and without added viable Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 43121 (2.5 x 1011 cells per feeding). Serum cholesterol levels decreased, as expected, for all groups. However, the declines were initiated sooner for the groups receiving L. acidophilus and those receiving the high level of calcium than for the respective control groups. When averaged over days, pigs fed L. acidophilus had 11.8% lower total cholesterol than pigs fed a diet without L. acidophilus. Similarly, pigs fed 1.4% calcium had a significantly lower total cholesterol than pigs fed 0.7% calcium. The effects were greater on low density lipoprotein cholesterol than on high density lipoprotein cholesterol. In addition, during the overall 15-d experimental period, serum bile acids were reduced 23.9% by dietary L. acidophilus and by 21.4% by 1.4% dietary calcium compared with those of their controls. Total bile acid concentration was positively correlated with total cholesterol concentration for pigs fed L. acidophilus or 1.4% calcium. These data suggest that both L. acidophilus and calcium can enhance the reduction of serum cholesterol in pigs that had been fed a high cholesterol diet, probably through alteration in the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids.

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