
Hypertensive disease is one of the urgent problems in the modern cardiology. It is known that a huge variety of comorbid states influence the development of hypertensive disease, i. e. neurogenic hyperventilating syndrome. It is the sign and the marker of suprasegmental vegetative structures disorders that destabilize homeostasis, initiate the development of specific pathological processes, which are the base of somatization of hyperventilating disorders, including heart disorders. It led to research of structural and functional characteristics of the ventricles with the help of echocardiology among hypertensive patients with neurogenic hyperventilating syndrome. Ventricular dilation of cavities, mostly of the right one without thickening of the walls, was found in the patients with stage 1 hypertension disease (43.59 %). Dilation of the ventricular cavities was also revealed in hypertensive patients with stage 2 hypertension disease in 37.88% of cases. The next variations of remodeling were registered: concentric – in 10.61% of cases; concentric hypertrophy – in 22.73%; asymmetric hypertrophy – in 12.12%; eccentric remodeling and eccentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle – in 4.55% and 9.09% of patients, respectively. Thickening of the right ventricle wall was observed in 13.64% of patients. In the control group of patients without hypertonic syndrome, the signs of concentric and asymmetric hypertrophy were noticed in 10% of patients, eccentric – in 20%; extension of the left ventricle – in 20%. The assessment of the condition of transmitral and tricuspid flows revealed a significant increase in the number of cases, disorders, relaxation of the heart ventricles among hypertensive patients with neurogenic hyperventilating syndrome. It can be a sign of specific role of permanent hyperventilation in ventricle remodeling and mandatory systematic echocardiological control of these patients.


  • Hypertensive disease is one of the urgent problems in the modern cardiology

  • Оцінка стану трансмітрального та трикуспідального потоків виявила, достовірне збільшення числа випадків розладів релаксації шлуночків серед гіпертоніків на фоні нейрогенного гіпервентиляційного синдрому

  • Мороз Олеся Степанівна, Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет, викладач кафедри медицини катастроф та військової медицини, вул

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Перспективи подальших досліджень

Перспектива подальших досліджень буде спрямована на розробку способів корекції проявів гіпервентиляційного синдрому у хворих на гіпертонічну хворобу. [The role of emotional stress in the occurrence of hypertension: facts and unresolved issues]. 2. Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W et al ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. [Cardiovascular effects of neurogenic hyperventilation and their influence on the clinical course of ischemic heart disease]. [Structural and functional changes in the myocardium in patients with essential hypertension]. 7. Cazzola M, Calzetta L, Rinaldi B et al Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Patients with. Jin Y, Wang H, Wang Z et al The evaluation of preoperative right ventricular diastolic dysfunction on coronary artery disease patients with left ventricular dysfunction. [Effect of azilsartan medoxomil on blood pressure variability in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease].

American College of Cardiology
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