
Objectives: To determine the association of hyperuricemia with hypertension.Study Design: Case-control study. Place and Duration of Study: Out-patient department ofFuji foundation hospital, Rawalpindi. The study conducted over a period of six months from 1stFebruary 2012 till 31st July 2012. Methodology: 268 patient were selected for study and dividedinto two groups on the basis of presence or absence of hypertension (group 1 comprisedof newly diagnosed hypertensive patients and group 2 comprised normotensive individuals).Each group comprised 134 patients fulfilling inclusion/ exclusion criteria. Serum uric acid levelswere checked and compared in both groups. Results: In hypertensive group, the minimumage was 20 years and the maximum age was 100 years with a mean age of 50.76. Minimumuric acid level was 193/literμmol and maximum uric acid level was 608 μmol/L with a mean of316.87. In non-hypertensive group, minimum age was 20 years and the maximum age was80 years with a mean age of 47.84. The minimum uric acid level was 125μmol /L and themaximum was 404μmol/L with a mean of 273.24. The P-value was 0.000 which means that thedifference between the two groups was statistically significant. Conclusion: There is statisticallysignificant association of hyperuricemia with hypertension. More studies are recommended toestablish this fact.

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