
A TM-pass integrated waveguide polarizer based on hyperuniform disordered wall network is proposed and experimentally demonstrated for the first time. Its working principle is based on strong interaction between the waveguide modes and hyperuniform disordered solids (HUDS) with large photonic bandgaps, which creates distinct transmission for the TE and TM modes. In our fabricated waveguide polarizers with a length of 8.0 μm, we have achieved a measured bandwidth of 98 nm with extinction ratio larger than 30 dB, and an average insertion loss for the passing TM mode only 1.72 dB. The operational bandwidth is the largest demonstrated to date. The fabrication tolerance of the HUDS polarizers is also numerically investigated. Considering these superior features, our HUDS polarizers serve as a promising candidate for manipulating photonic polarization states on an integrated platform.

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