
It is important to have a good understanding of the pat­hogenetic diagnosis and treatment features of the severe complication with high mortality – hypertensive encepha­lopathy (HE) because of the amount of people suffering from chronic arterial hypertension is constantly increa­sing. Thus, this article briefly reviews the mechanism of cerebral blood flow autoregulation, HE pathophysiology, and the main aspects of diagnosis and treatment. An HE episode is caused by a sudden and significant increase in arterial blood pressure, when the autoregulatory mecha­nism of cerebral blood flow becomes ineffective. Along with increased blood pressure, the patient gradually deve­lops neurological symptoms ranging from intense heada­che to vision loss, loss of consciousness, and convulsions. The diagnosis of HE is based on the clinical signs – acute arterial hypertension and the subsequent neurological symptoms. Also, the diagnosis of HE can be determined retrospectively when the neurological symptoms rapi­dly disappear with effective antihypertensive treatment. Computed tomography is important in differentiating HE from intracerebral hemorrhage and ischemic stroke. In management of HE it is recommended to return to the limits of cerebral blood flow autoregulation by immedi­ately reducing mean arterial blood pressure by 20-25%. In order to achieve the maximum rapid antihyperten­sive effect, it is suggested to administer the medication only intravenously. Labetalol and sodium nitroprusside are currently recommended first-line drugs for the treat­ment of HE. Patients with HE should be hospitalized in the intensive care unit for continuous control of decre­asement of arterial blood pressure while observing the cautious dynamics of the neurological condition. The outcome of patients depends on the urgency and effici­ency of treatment in returning arterial blood pressure to the limits of cerebral blood flow autoregulation, as well as on comorbidities, the severity of the condition and possible complications.

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