
For a broad range of applications, hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is a hot topic in remote sensing, and convolutional neural network (CNN)-based methods are drawing increasing attention. However, to train millions of parameters in CNN requires a large number of labeled training samples, which are difficult to collect. A conventional Gabor filter can effectively extract spatial information with different scales and orientations without training, but it may be missing some important discriminative information. In this article, we propose the Gabor ensemble filter (GEF), a new convolutional filter to extract deep features for HSI with fewer trainable parameters. GEF filters each input channel by some fixed Gabor filters and learnable filters simultaneously, then reduces the dimensions by some learnable 1×1 filters to generate the output channels. The fixed Gabor filters can extract common features with different scales and orientations, while the learnable filters can learn some complementary features that Gabor filters cannot extract. Based on GEF, we design a network architecture for HSI classification, which extracts deep features and can learn from limited training samples. In order to simultaneously learn more discriminative features and an end-to-end system, we propose to introduce the local discriminant structure for cross-entropy loss by combining the triplet hard loss. Results of experiments on three HSI datasets show that the proposed method has significantly higher classification accuracy than other state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the proposed method is speedy for both training and testing.

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