
The brazilian region semiarid has as predominant vegetation the caatinga. The Caatinga Forest has one of its striking features its excellent adaptation to arid conditions. This exclusively brazilian ecosystem has a great biodiversity, but promote their preservation is a major obstacle to be overcome, one is the best knowledge of their chemical and physical processes. Thus the hyperspectral remote sensing can help enough in the characterization and monitoring of this ecosystem, where the hyperspectral data collected by these sensors can be transformed into different information biophysical aspects of vegetable toppings. In this work was used images hyperspectral of the Hyperion Satellite Earth Observing1 sensor (EO-1). The software utilized for analysis and the pre-processing of the image was the ENVI 4.4 software, where we generated the NDVI - vegetation index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and the indexes of leaf pigments PRI (Photochemical Reflectance Index), SIPI (Structure Insensitive pigment Index) and CRI (1 Carotenoid Reflectance Index).The indices generated answered well to the structure of the cover and characteristics vegetation. Allowing this way, get more accurate data of vegetation indices and leaf pigments such, as chlorophyll and carotenoids.

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