
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate how the concepts contained in #pilpres2024 political advertisements on social media are associated with the theory of hyperreality on social media #pilpres2024. Theoretical Framework: This research explores the hyperreality of #pilpres2024 in digital political ads on social media, drawing on the hyperreality theory. Using big data analysis, it examines the interplay between #pilpres2024 concepts and hyperreality. The social reality shaped by language and symbols contributes to new trends and political views, evident on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. This process transforms #pilpres2024 into a hyperreal simulacrum, influencing contemporary political perceptions in the digital sphere. Method: The research method used in this study is big data analysis, a social reality that is still generated, then regenerated and changed by the use of language and other symbols. Result and Conclusion: The findings of the research results of the #pilpres2024 symbol produce new trends as a choice of political views on social media depending on the dominant social media used, including Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. The process of reproduction and consumption of #pilpres2024 gave birth to new signs in each presidential candidate, including #ganjarpresiden2024, #aniespresiden2024, and #prabowopresident2024, which people on social media interpreted as a new reality or contemporary #pilpres2024. #pilpres2024 is the life of the current trend society as a simulation process that will become simulacra into a world of hyperreality #pilpres2024 by people on social media. Originality/Value: This research pioneers the exploration of AI-driven hyperreality in political advertising on social media, focusing on #pilpres2024. Utilizing big data analysis, it unveils the transformation of private political discourse into public consumption. The identification of candidate-specific symbols adds depth, presenting a unique perspective on the intersection of artificial intelligence, politics, and societal trends.

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