
1. The responses of guinea-pig endocardial endothelial (EE) cells to various vasoactive substances were investigated in either the small tissue preparation or freshly isolated cells using the patch clamp technique. 2. The mean resting potential of the EE cell was -44 mV in the small tissue preparation, and applications of ATP, ADP, AMP, adenosine, histamine and substance P induced transient hyperpolarizations of -22, -21, -9, -10, -23 and -15 mV, respectively. The membrane potential of EE cells failed to respond to acetylcholine, bradykinin, thrombin, atrial natriuretic peptide, vasopressin and serotonin. 3. The whole-cell voltage clamp of dissociated cells revealed a transient increase of K+ conductance underlying the ATP and histamine responses. The agonist-induced current showed no time-dependent change during voltage steps. The response was showed no time-dependent change during voltage steps. The response was prevented by adding 10 mM EGTA to the pipette solution. 4. In the cell-attached single channel recordings, ATP induced transient K+ channel activities having a slope conductance of 34 pS. In inside-out patches, similar K+ channels were activated by applying Ca2+ of more than 0.1 microM. 5. These findings are consistent with the idea that the Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channel is involved in the hyperpolarizing response of EE cells, as described in vascular endothelial cells.

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