
Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNEC) are widely distributed throughout the airway mucosa of mammalian lung as solitary cells and as distinctive innervated clusters, neuroepithelial bodies (NEB). These cells differentiate early during lung development and are more prominent in fetal/neonatal lungs compared to adults. PNEC/NEB cells produce biogenic amine (serotonin) and a variety of peptides (i.e., bombesin) involved in regulation of lung function. During the perinatal period, NEB are thought to function as airway O(2)/CO(2) sensors. Increased numbers of PNEC/NEBs have been observed in a variety of perinatal and postnatal lung disorders. Recent advances in cellular and molecular biology of these cells, as they relate to perinatal and postnatal lung disorders associated with PNEC/NEB cell hyperplasia are reviewed and their possible role in pulmonary pathobiology discussed (WC 125).

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