
Patient: 48-year-old white male. Chief Complaint: Fever and chills, dyspnea, and productive cough. History of Present Illness: The patient was symptomatic for 2 weeks prior to admission and unresponsive to outpatient treatments. The only positive finding on physical examination was a high oral temperature (38°C). Positive laboratory findings at the time of admission include macrocytic anemia (Hb: 11 g/dL, MCV:110 fl) associated with leucopenia and thrombocytopenia, raised ESR, positive CRP, and most notably, hyperphosphatemia (14.7 mg/dL; reference range: 2.5–5.0 mg/dL) accompanied with normal serum calcium, PTH, and mildly disturbed renal function tests (Table 1). Chest X-ray and spiral CT scan showed consolidation of the anterior segment of the right upper lobe of the lung (Figure 1). View this table: Table 1. Biochemical Data of the Case. Figure 1 Spiral CT scan showing alveolar consolidation in the anterior segment of right upper lobe. The …

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