
In kernel methods, choosing a suitable kernel is in dispensable for favorable results. No well-founded methods, however, have been established in general for unsupervised learning. We focus on kernel Princ ipal Component Analysis (kernel PCA), which is a nonlinear extension of principal component analysis and ha s been used electively for extracting nonlinear featu res and reducing dimensionality. As a kernel method , kernel PCA also suffers from the problem of kernel choice. Although cross-validation is a popular meth od for choosing hyperparameters, it is not applicable straightforwardly to choose a kernel in kernel PCA because of the incomparable norms given by differen t kernels. It is important, thus, to develop a well founded method for choosing a kernel in kernel PCA. This study proposes a method for choosing hyperparameters in kernel PCA (kernel and the number of components) based on cross-validation for the comparable reconstruction errors of pre-images in t he original space. The experimental results on synthesized and real-world datasets demonstrate tha t the proposed method successfully selects an appropriate kernel and the number of components in kernel PCA in terms of visualization and classification errors on the principal components. The results imply that the proposed method enables automatic design of hyperparameters in kernel PCA.


  • The original data by mapping them into a high-dimensional feature space Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS)

  • We focus on kernel Principal Component Analysis, which is a nonlinear extension of principal component analysis and has been used electively for extracting nonlinear features and reducing dimensionality

  • This study proposes a method for choosing hyperparameters in kernel PCA based on cross-validation for the comparable reconstruction errors of pre-images in the original space

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The original data by mapping them into a high-dimensional feature space Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). The purpose of dimension reduction may be Support Vector Machine (SVM), (Boser et al, 1992), visualization, noise reduction and pre-processing for further kernel ridge regression (Saunders et al, 1998), kernel analysis. The Principal Component Analysis canonical correlation analysis (Akaho, 2001; Bach and (PCA), (Pearson, 1901) is one of the most famous methods Jordan, 2002; Alam et al, 2010), A novel multiclass to reduce the dimensionality by projecting data onto a low- SVM algorithm using mean reversion and coefficient of dimensional subspace with largest variance. For extension of the standard PCA and has been applied to supervised learning such as SVM and kernel ridge various purposes including feature extraction, denoising regression, cross-validation is popularly used for and pre-processing of regression.

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