
The control of the blood sugar level in diabetes has been largely influenced by the impression that, since the so-called normal blood sugar concentration in healthy human beings is between 100 and 140 mg. per hundred cubic centimeters, this is the optimal blood sugar level and should be striven for in the management of diabetes. The significance of hyperglycemia in the treatment of diabetes may be considered under four headings: The renal threshold to dextrose. The normal blood sugar level. A high blood sugar level without glycosuria. A high blood sugar level with glycosuria. RENAL THRESHOLD TO DEXTROSE The researches of A. N. Richards and his collaborators have established that urine originates by filtration from the blood through the glomerular membrane of the kidney, that this filtrate contains dextrose in the same concentration as the blood and that the dextrose in the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed

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