
Abstract Compounds R 2− x Fe 14 + 2 x Si 3 with (R = Ce, Nd, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Lu, Y) were prepared by the modified Czochralski method and investigated by means of the 57 Fe 14.4 keV Mossbauer spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction. The magnetic moment was additionally measured for samples being single crystals. Iron experiencing low magnetic hyperfine field and electric quadrupole interaction was found on (4e) sites in the P 6 3 / mmc structure. Similar iron was found in the R 3 ¯ m structure as well. The non-stoichiometry parameter was determined as being close to 2 x = 0.5 for all compounds investigated. Compound with R = Ho crystallizes in both structures. Our results show that silicon avoids (4f) and (6g) sites for compounds with the P 6 3 / mmc structure (R = Dy, Ho, Er, Lu, Y), whereas it avoids (6c) and (9d) sites for those with R 3 ¯ m structure (R = Nd, Gd, Ho).

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