
A combined nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Mössbauer effect (ME) study of Nd 2Fe 14B has been carried out, which uses the Fe hyperfine field (HF) values obtained by NMR experiments in the ME fitting process. Taking the advantages of both NMR in determining the HF values at different Fe sites and ME in determining the intensity ratios of subspectra, the determination of the Fe HF values and their assignment can be made more precisely and more reliably. It can be deduced from the present result that the existence of a nearest Fe neighbor leads to an increase in the Fe HF of about 15 kOe/Fe, while a nearest B neighbor atom reduces it at a larger rate. The nearest Nd neighbor atom seems to have no significant effect on the Fe HF. The analysis concerning the various contributions to the HF and their correlation with the atomic magnetic moment demonstrates that the hyperfine interaction study for the case of Fe provides a simple means to measure Fe sublattice magnetization and relevant properties of the R 2Fe 14B system.

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