
We propose the main architectural features of HyperCOSTOC, a new computer based teaching support system, a number of aspects of which are currently being implemented. We call it HyperCOSTOC because it is based on a database of lessons called COSTOC and has facilities which have a hypermedia flavor (i.e. navigation, browsing, cross-window communication, and others). However, unlike hypertext and other electronic information systems (e.g. database management systems), HyperCOSTOC is an advanced CAI system which can retrieve and process, in a non-linear fashion, structured molecules of instructional or information material networked together. HyperCOSTOC uses a mixture of presentation-type-CAI, object-oriented programming and query language techniques for university teaching and research. It provides a user interface which includes selection mechanisms, feedback mechanisms and input-output devices. HyperCOSTOC aims at a practical and viable approach within a university setting. It comprises tools for the creation, distribution, and usage of a variety of courseware or information in a fashion which is modular, technology independent, easy to maintain, and which includes drill, self-test, exam and other modules. Hypertext largely depends on the power of the computer to traverse complex networks of information and to support advanced word processing while freely linking ideas on-line. HyperCOSTOC is supposed to be as hardware-independent as possible and geared towards easy integration with a variety of instructional environments: as a support system to traditional lecturestyle instruction as well as for the development of exploratory research environments. The COSTOC system (a simple minded precursor of HyperCOSTOC) is currently being used in about 20 educational institutions. COSTOC includes a database of hundreds of one-hour lessons, with over 250 on computer science topics. Starting from this courseware basis, HyperCOSTOC is supposed to add many new facilities, including better navigation, browsing, window cross-talk as well as aspects of student modeling. It should be emphasized, however, that the first implementation of HyperCOSTOC will put little emphasis on intelligent-CAI (ICAI) techniques (e.g. intelligent tutoring, intelligent student modeling) because we believe that further developments are necessary before ICAI will become as broadly applicable as other aspects of CAI.

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