
The diving accident (decompression incident, DCI) occurs in the decompression phase of dives. The DCI can either be caused by an arterial gas embolism (AGE) subsequent to a pulmonary barotrauma or by the formation of inert gas bubbles subsequent to a reduction of ambient pressure during the ascent from depth. In contrast to the traditional assumption that decompression incidents only occur if decompression rules are neglected, recent data indicate that a vast amount of diving accidents occur even though divers adhered to the rules. Hence, there is a large inter- and intraindividual variability in the predisposition for diving accidents. Within the past few years, the molecular understanding of the pathophysiology of diving accidents has improved considerably. It is now well accepted that pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulatory mechanisms play a central role. Moreover, microparticles are increasingly discussed in the pathogenesis of diving accidents. These new molecular findings have not yet resulted in new therapeutic approaches. However, new approaches of preconditioning before the dive have been developed which are intended to reduce the risk of diving accidents. The symptoms of a diving accident show a large variability and range. They reach from pruritus over tension in the female breast, marbled skin and pain in the joints to severe neurological disability like paraplegia or hemiplegia. Furthermore, pulmonary symptoms can be a result of a pulmonary gas embolism and/or a tension pneumothorax. Extreme cases can also manifest as generalized, difficult-to-treat seizures, loss of consciousness or even death. The evidence-based therapy of diving accidents consists of an immediate application of 100% inspiratory O2. This can be performed via a demand valve, face mask with reservoir bag or ventilation bag connected to a reservoir bag. Fluid substitution is performed by i. v. infusion of 500-1000ml/h of cristalloids. If consciousness is not impaired, the diver is positioned in a supine position, in case of impaired or absent consciousness in a lateral recovery position. Especially in severe cases of DCI a fast transfer to a qualified hyperbaric center and the earliest possible hyperbaric O2-therapy is essential.

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