
Shifts in prevalence and abundance of hymenopteran parasitoids and dipteran predators, Diuraphis noxia , and other aphids were measured in the west-central Great Plains of North America, April–September, in 2001 and 2002, corresponding to over a decade after first detection of D. noxia and first release of D. noxia enemies. Significant temporal shifts in enemy species prevalence and diversity were detected in this study and more broadly during an 11 year time span. At any given time, some species were relatively common. One parasitoid had been predominant throughout ( Aphelinus albipodus ), two had shifted in dominance ( Lysiphlebus testaceipes and Diaeretiella rapae ), three parasitoids had been detected infrequently ( Aphidius avenaphis , Aphidius matricariae , and Aphelinus asychis ), one parasitoid was detected in the 1990s but not during 2001 and 2002 ( Aphelinus varipes ), two predatory flies occurred at occasional significant levels ( Leucopis gaimarii and Eupeodes volucris ), and two parasitoids may have been minor members of the fauna ( Aphidius ervi and Praon yakimanum ). Aphid populations detected were usually very low or not detected, precluding estimation of percent parasitism. The best evidence of suppression was observations of parasitoids in the rare case of D. noxia exceeding economic thresholds, which complemented past studies using high aphid densities. The D. noxia enemies detected were primarily endemic or long-time residents derived from previous introductions. This enemy community may provide flexibility in responding to a future aphid invasion, allowing more strategic use of biological control and other pest management approaches.

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