
This article is a reflection of the rising complexity of the contemporary world, which is characterised by a rich variety of culture, morality, the legal system, and religion, all of which are capable of having a significant impact on medical practise. It is possible to rupture a hymen via sexual activity as well as through a number of other activities. In societies that place a high value on a woman retaining her virginity after marriage, a woman and her family may be stigmatised for having done so. Women, particularly brides whose virginity is not established at the time of marriage, face the risk of humiliation, ostracism, divorce, and violence; in the most severe cases, women risk being killed in the name of "honour." However, doctors may be opposed to hymen reconstruction on the grounds that it is dishonest, not necessary for medical reasons, discriminates against women, and promotes subjecting women to greater standards of virtue than are demanded of men. Many doctors explain that the operation by stating that it serves the patient's health, which may include the patient's emotional and social well-being as well as women's human rights to have control over their own bodies. In addition, many young people lose their virginity unintentionally as a result of rape or compulsion, and if women do not have their hymens reconstructed, they are at risk of physical assault and even death. In the surgery does not violate any laws but in the most cases women suffer from some risk and it should be confused with female genital cutting or mutilation.

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