
A C0 FE model developed based on an efficient higher order zigzag theory is used for hygrothermal analysis of laminated composite plates. The C0 FE model satisfies the inter-laminar shear stress continuity at the interfaces and zero transverse shear stress conditions at plate top and bottom. In this model the first derivatives of transverse displacement have been treated as independent variables to circumvent the problem of C1 continuity associated with the above plate theory. In the present theory the above mentioned C0 continuity of the present element is compensated in the stiffness matrix formulation by using penalty parameter approach. In order to avoid stress oscillations observed in the displacement based finite element, the stress field derived from temperature/moisture fields (initial strains) must be consistent with total strain field. Special steps are introduced by field consistent approach (e.g., sampling at gauss points) to compensate this problem. A nine noded C0 continuous isoparametric element is used in the proposed FE model. Comparison of present numerical results with other existing solutions shows that the proposed FE model is efficient, accurate and free of locking.

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