
Introduction. The purpose of the study was to assess the hygienic impact of classes with using an interactive whiteboard and an interactive table on the functional state of the body of preschool children aged 6-7 years. Material and methods. The results of studies of the impact of classes using interactive equipment in kindergarten on the functional state of the body of children aged 6-7 years. The interactive whiteboard was used in all classes (two or three) during the day. Continuous duration of its use at each session did not exceed 5 minutes, in total - 15 minutes during play activities used the interactive table which lasted up to 10 min. Results. The comparative analysis of the results of the studies did not reveal any differences in the indices of fatigue and psycho-emotional state of children in the response to developmental activities with and without the use of interactive equipment. The expressed activating influence of occupations with use of the interactive equipment on the activity of the central nervous system is established. This was manifested in a significant increase in the speed of complex sensorimotor responses and a decrease in the probability of an error. Discussion. In our opinion, the approximate response to the novelty, bright and attractive form of information presentation with the interactive equipment lead to the functional mobilization of brain structures involved in the analysis of information, followed by a more pronounced concentration of attention, creates an optimal tone of the central nervous system, providing ease and speed of lockings and functioning of nerve connections underlying learning.

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