
The article analyzes the problem of hygienic assessment of the conditions of the hospital environment and health-improving methods of treatment of patients of medical institutions at the stages of formation and development of healthcare in Russia in the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries. It has been established that in various historical periods, the problem of patient safety in medical organizations has always been the leading one in the management of people's health and the organization of healthcare as an agency that has been forming for several centuries. Organizational, legal, administrative, economic, and hygienic measures have been developed purposefully in the system of public health protection in Russia. This made it possible to improve the system of medical care on the basis of compliance with the provisions of hospital hygiene, such as the placement of patients in hospitals and compliance with the anti-epidemic regime. The systematization and analysis of the data from the Russian literature on the studied scientific problem were performed. Three leading directions of hospital hygiene development were established: organization of medical care, architectural and planning solutions, and therapeutic nutrition. The importance of developing the legislative framework of the listed areas at the state and departmental levels is shown. The results of the analysis of the application of sanitary and hygienic measures and scientific solutions of the XVIIIth to XIXth centuries confirm the need to use scientific, practical, and organizational experience in the introduction of new solutions to the modern system of medical care, including elements of hospital hygiene and patient safety. Proposals have been developed on the legality and prospects of using the historical experience of the development of preventive medicine and hygienic education of the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries, as well as the achievements of predecessors in the field of monitoring and accounting for the peculiarities of patient care and ensuring an anti-epidemic regime.

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