
The article discusses the results of research carried out within the framework of the industry program of Rospotrebnadzor “Hygienic scientific justification for minimizing risks to the health of the population of Russia” for 2016–2020 (p. 2. 16). During the development of oil and gas fields of the shelf in the waters of the Northern, etc. In addition to climatic conditions, dangerous and harmful factors of the production environment have a significant impact on working conditions: intense industrial noise, general and local vibration, insufficient lighting, contamination of the working area with dangerous chemicals and gases. Often, oil and gas in wells are under high pressure, which creates a threat of explosive emissions and fires. Among the unfavorable factors, the leading place is also occupied by noise, which affects workers during the entire shift from 7 to 30 or more days continuously. The noise sources are power plants and working mechanisms. Sound pressure levels in workplaces reach 72–107 dBA, in cabins 52–67 dBA. The equivalent daily sound levels are 71–102 dBA, and the total doses of acoustic energy affecting personnel exceed the permissible requirements by tens of times. In order to ensure the implementation of industrial and environmental control during the development of oil and gas fields on the offshore shelf, the main parameters, sources and mechanisms of marine water pollution have been determined. The sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the quality of sea water, ways and mechanisms of monitoring the state of sea waters are given. The analysis and updating of a number of existing regulatory and methodological documents in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and the safety of environmental objects, including the draft SanPiN 2.2.3... “Sanitary rules and regulations for drilling rigs and structures used in the development of offshore hydrocarbon deposits” has been prepared.

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