
This study aims to determine the growth of ipomoea aquatica plants using hydroponic techniques with planting media treatment. Ipomoea aquatica is a plant that is a type of vegetable that is easy to obtain, easy to cultivate, processed consumptive and quite economical. Media for seeding, nursery, used cup as a media for plants, which is used is water to facilitate the growth process. Harvesting is carried out in about 25 days. Maintenance of kangkung plants includes controlling and measuring pH. The research method used is to test the hypothesis using the t-test. From the results of this study, it was found that there was a significant difference in the height of the kangkung plants to the treatment of the planting medias. Uneconomical planting medias / industrial business scale plants have an average height growth of ipomoea aquatica plants which is better and more economical than the use of economical planting medias.

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