
Understanding ecohydrological dynamics that result from land-use conversions is fundamental in managing ecosystem services. One common forest transformation in the tropics is the establishment of monospecific plantations with exotic species for timber exploitation, replacing highly diverse natural forests. The impacts of establishing forest plantations in hydrological processes and biogeochemical dynamics have been highly controversial, with functions from structurally homogeneous plantations being sometimes assumed to be comparable to natural forests. To assess the effects of planting exotic conifer species versus natural forests on hydrological and biogeochemical functions, we measured incoming precipitation, throughfall, and stemflow. To compare between forest types, we propose the use of basal area for standardization of hydrochemical fluxes. While net precipitation was similar among forest types, the transmission of water to the forest floor per basal area unit was significantly higher in native forests. Yet, nutrient concentrations were similar among them. However, greater nutrient enrichment per unit basal area was observed for the native species. This more efficient nutrient cycling could be related to native forests being better adapted to oligotrophic soils. The re-establishment of native species rather than with exotic species can result in more efficient hydrochemical regulation, improving the capacity of these ecosystems to produce services.

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