
Groundwater is considered one of the main sources of providing water for agricultural, domestic, and industrial activities within the Kirkuk province. The current article aims to assess the groundwater impound and estimate the hydraulic properties of the main aquifers within the Shwan sub-basin. Pumping test was conducted in 6 water wells with the aid of the principal observation wells drilled in the Bai-Hassan formation and Quaternary deposit. Based on the sketches of the drilling wells and according to the results of the hydraulic characteristics the aquifer types lie under the confined to semi-confined conditions. The saturation thickness varies between 35–82 m. The values of hydraulic conductivity ranged between 12–28 m/d the Transitivity is in the range of 570 m2/d–1032 m2/day, and the storage coefficient ranged between 3 x 10-4 – 9 x 10-4. The flow net map was created by measuring the depths of the groundwater from 55 wells drilled inside the area of interest. The depths to the water table range from 7.5 –108 m below the ground surface and the static water level varies from 235–750 m a.s.l. The groundwater flow map shows that the water in the area heads mainly from the eastern towards the western direction, then drains to the Lesser Zab River.

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