
An attempt has been done to understand the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater from shallow aquifers of Vislon village, a part of WRD watershed (Lat. 20º06’30"N and Long. 79º 07' 00"E). The appropriateness of groundwater has also been checked for various purposes. The groundwater from study area is alkaline and slightly saline in nature. The Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+ and HCO3 - > SO4 2- > Cl- > NO3 - was the ascendancy of cations and anions. The earth metals (Ca + Mg) found to exceed the alkali metals (Na + K). The positive correlation interpreted from interrelationship of Na+ vs Cl- exhibited, silicate weathering process for liberation of ions in groundwater at rock-water interface. In addition the non-lithological source, anthropogenic inputs were also inferred indicating the agricultural fertilizers and domestic wastewaters. All the groundwater samples from the study area are suitable for drinking as well as domestic use. The groundwater from study area is also suitable for irrigation purpose with negligible exceptions

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